Ann Acid is a jewelry brand created by self-taught designer Anna Cid.
Contemporary metal pieces, mainly in silver and gold, 100% handmade. Playing around with minimal shapes and contrasting textures, she creates striking jewels of exquisite simplicity, for the everyday and the rare occasion. In seek of clean and bold designs that will also emphasize the delicate imperfections of the handcrafted work.
Anna makes all pieces by hand from her studio in Barcelona, also working with local artisans at times.
There's no rush in the design process as keeping up with the pace set by the fashion industry is not the aim. She prefers an organic way of creating, so new collections come out whenever it feels like the right time, which is about once a year, but she also allows herself to occasionally add new designs or modify former ones.
She works on small batches as jewels are mostly made to order, this way there is no overproduction or waste.